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279-04. Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002

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Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a Lifta (Mei Niftoah) village at western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
Remains of a village near Enot Telem spring west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, July 5, 2002
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Bar mitzvah ceremony at Western Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Bar mitzvah ceremony at Western Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
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Bar mitzvah ceremony at Western Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
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A monument of Archimandrite Antonin Kapustin (1869(?) - 1894) who founded in 1871 the Russian mission in Jerusalem, at a pro-Moscow Gornensky Convent for women. Ein Kerem (western Jerusalem), the Middle East, December 30, 2000
An Orthodox church in Gornensky Convent for women (the Russian Orthodox Mission of Moscow Patriarchate in Jerusalem). Ein Kerem (western Jerusalem), the Middle East, December 30, 2000
Graves of Russian nuns in Gornensky Convent for women (the Russian Orthodox Mission of Moscow Patriarchate in Jerusalem). Ein Kerem (western Jerusalem), the Middle East, December 30, 2000
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Western wall in Old City of Jerusalem. The Middle East, September 19, 2000
View of Silwan village from a wall of Old City of Jerusalem at evening. The Middle East, September 20, 2000
View of Silwan village from a wall of Old City of Jerusalem at evening. The Middle East, September 20, 2000
View of Silwan village from a wall of Old City of Jerusalem at evening. The Middle East, September 20, 2000
Eastern entrance to Mea Shearim Street (Jewish orthodox quarter). Jerusalem, the Middle East, November 22, 2001
Ein Kerem from one of its monasteries. Jerusalem, the Middle East, August 15, 2002
Western Wall in Old City at rainy day. Jerusalem, the Middle East, November 22, 2001
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Old City from Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, January 11, 2002
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Old City from Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 31, 2002
Mea Shearim Street from a window of a bus No. 1. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Somewhere in Moslem Quarter in Old City of Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 13, 2002.
Via Dolorosa Road in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002

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